
“Expect the unexpected, think the unthinkable and predict the unpredictable…”

The BA Programme in Security Studies meets the need to adapt the academic curricula to the requirements and tendencies of the job market, generated by the necessity to manage certain threats, risks and vulnerabilities that put a negative strain on the development of society, public and private institutions and organizations, at all levels – local , regional, national and international. The international dynamics and the effects of globalization, associated with the phenomenon of turning security private, enhances the need to train experts and servants specialised in the niche of security management, capable to generate and to implement security strategies, security projects, prevention and intervention mechanisms, in order to diminish or to avoid the risks to the existence, interests or image of the organization they represent.

All courses, seminars, simulations and internships are organized in such a manner that the entire programme is oriented towards the students and their expectations, keeping in view the fact that nowadays the area of security studies is no longer exclusively associated with military science or the specific training of specialised structures (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Intelligence Services). The new categories of risks and threats are considered unconventional, non-military and asymmetrical, therefore, their management needs to circumscribe theoretical and practical methodologies that are capable to generate good practices in the area of security management.

In Oradea, a university with a tradition of over 2 centuries, the Security Studies programme is housed by the Department of International Relations and European Studies, that has become one of the most efficient, performing and dynamic departments in the University. The national performance of the department faculty, relatively young, has manifested in the outstanding mark received for its research activity – it ranked first at the national level within the National Exercise of Evaluation and Research (ENEC), the Award of Excellence from the European Institute in Romania and the Grand Trophy in Education won in the Gala of the European Values Multipliers in Northern Transylvania.

During the 3 years of the BA Programme, our graduates will develop an ensemble of competencies and abilities which will recommend them on the job market, either public, or private, for the following positions: security manager; security consultant in public or private organizations; security analyst for mass-media; mediator and negotiator; civil servant in specialised national/international security structures; observer affiliated with international organizations; political adviser on security issues; public servant in international, governmental or non-governmental organizations; public order and security servant; risk analysis expert.

Curriculum (in romanian)

Version valid since the 2021-2022 academic year
Version valid since the 2020-2021 academic year
Version valid since the 2019-2020 academic year